A perspective look at items I feel the need to react to and new ways I can exploit my readers


Wow these things are easy to write...

Well this is blog two of, um two. Really it is only coming into existence as an avoidance of work. I have this essay, and well...
I had a very deep conversation while waiting at the bus stop regarding the cautious art that is complaining. Several topics were discussed and I wish to add some of my own thoughts to the bucket of toes (this isn't an actual figure of speech, but I think that it could be big, just think... a bucket, full of toes! It's symbolism for toes.).
To begin, no one likes that person who is constantly happy with the world, where nothing is wrong, and a smile is their crossing-guard (if you ever watched 'Just Shoot Me' this is really funny). But seriously, who wants to listen to people who choose to spend their time rubbing you face in the beauty and perfection that is their world. You know who you are... the ones with the perfect hair, smiles, arm candy, etc. As they go skipping off to class or work you secretly wish that they would burst into flames and exercise the powers of your mind, hoping that you evil stare will cause their head to implode.
People who don't complain kinda suck and make the rest of us even more miserable in our already depressing lives. One the other hand misery loves company, more precisely, those who are miserable want to bring as many other people down in that fiery plane crash as they can. These people, as brought up in the discussion, can also be of great annoyance if they complain in a style that makes up sit up, locate the nearest pen, and start tracing you arm veins, while constantly reminding yourself that it is more effective with the flow instead of across. For those still in school this effect can also be brought on in most lectures, or for you working folk, when your boss attempts to explain why you need to come in early on you day off to work on inventory.
The constant goal of people is to feel better about themselves and escape guilt, hence, complaining is good, but only when it provides entertainment for the observing party, such as a comical anecdote or promises of food. This causes both parties to benefit from complaining.
The just of this is, if you are going to be complaining, you had better make me laugh, otherwise you can cram it, or I'll give you something to complain about.
On another note, thank you for responses, I'll be sure to make fun of you, er, I mean things that you carefully discussed in reponse to my blogs in a later tale.
The end, of this one, not for good... were you getting excited?

My first blog

Yes, that's right, now all of you lazy-bum friends of mine that really just can't get enough of my antics and craziness can access it all, twenty-four hours a day, online! The internet is no longer useless, or just for inappropriateness. Wait... that's not entirely correct, for further proof sign up today at civicnation.ca! Ah, well I met my advertizing quota for today.
I'm not quite sure how this whole thing works, but I'm sure that in good time I'll be exploiting its freeness for personal gain and profit. Maybe some underground kinda operation would work. Hmmm....
Well, just to keep you entertained, and as a 'maiden voyage' of the blog, I shall begin ranting. First, there is no harder thing to do in this day and age then to choose a domain name/log-on name/email address that isn't already taken. I mean really we are just spiralling into obscurity as these names make less and less sense, such that me forget them and have to start another, forcing us to come up with more obsure and irrelevant names, and also those whom we wish to find anything we have online can because it is too stupid and long! I mean why would the domain name ccw37 be taken? Or platypus? Why? Because people are retarted. I shall continue on this later, given more time, as I kinda got to meet up with people who will help me. Um, no, not like that, not yet anyway, sorry.
Thought number two... what kind of word is blog? I mean where to people get this crap? Do we just all make up words to suit our needs and then complain when Webster tells us that in fact it is THE STUPIDEST WORD IN THE HUMAN LANGUAGE AND THE LANGUAGE IS FULL OF ENOUGH DUMBNESS ALREADY!
But I should really go. Oh, and just to make sure that someone is reading this and I'm not just venting with no audience, leave some kinda comment. WE can make it like a call in show... this week write the stupidest word you can think of (that is a word but shouldn't be) and I'll make fun of it. DO IT NOW! or I kill you.
P.S. I just found out that blog actually stands for web log. Kinda crazy and dumb at the same time, interesting...