A perspective look at items I feel the need to react to and new ways I can exploit my readers


... and now the 'fairer' sex

Yes, I suppose that I was a tad harsh the other day. You see, while attempting to remain completely neutral in my criticality (um, I don't know if that's a word, but for the remainder of this blog it shall be), but I should explain my state of mind. You see, I was, and still partially am angry at three individuals all in possession a Y-chromosome. Them having this does not cause me to be angry with them, but more so their RETARDED behavior as of late, or past, well both. This was why I believe I was slightly more anti-male than normal.
Don't get me wrong, I do like guys, and usually feel more comfortable in their company, but sometimes boys are dumb and I've never been quick to punish, mostly to avoid a lengthy jail term and because I am lazy, so instead a little bundle of rage composed primarily of high-grade fertilizer and diesel builds up, and then KAABLAMM! I'm a feminist. To balance the universe I have decided to take cheap shots at the sex I am associated with (for the most part).
Girls are uberdumb. This is unavoidable as most girls are concerned with the opposite sex to the point that they disregard their own well being (you cannot convince me that 'heels' were ever a good idea) all to impress men who really couldn't care less. Who notices clothes / hair / nails first? Other women! Physicallities are only the beginning, though.
The problem with girls resides much deeper. Most women are angry, bitter people, watching romantic movies, hoping for the same, and left with only disappointment and hurt. To all of those women I have some advice, cram it. I mean really, he doesn't remember what flower you like best, or your pet poodle's birthday, it doesn't mean he doesn't care, only that he is stupid and doesn't realize how it is important to you. You need to tell these guys everything. They cannot read minds, nor will they even pretend too, hoping that eventually that you key into the fact that they know nothing, stop expecting miracles.
Equally dumb are girls in relationships with abusive jerks. I'm not only saying that he has to subscribe to 'Rule of Thumb Monthly', mental, emotional, psychological abuse can be just as bad. If you aren't happy, leave him. The secret for all women: you can in fact get anyone you want, so don't settle for creep-o because you think that you can change him or save him.
Next, grow up and stop gossiping. I mean you start talking about the G6's superior handling capabilities due to downforce of its aerodynamics and widetrack double-wishbone suspension, only furthered by the torque through acceleration and of course some fat-boy cheater slicks, and you have a conversation with a guy. Holding down a conversation with women is near impossible, requiring you to keep track of more twists, turns, characters, plots, and midgets than you'd find in an average episode of 'Passions'. It is FREAKING IMPOSSIBLE!
In conclusion: guys are easy-going, accepting, and fun, chickies exist as a contrast and nemesis to all of these. Why? Um, hmm, I'm not quite sure and this is getting kinda long. Ah?....
"POOF" and Carly disappears in a cloud of smoke.


Blogger Ty pointed out that

Wow Carly, are you ever using this Blog for good effect.

I have to back you up on the Dumb Boys thing, we are pretty dumb, a lot dumb infact. Most guys wouldn't have a clue when a girl changed her hair or what not.

It's a real struggle , for myself, to ensure I've placed my pants on in the right direction in the morning before my coffee.

Oh how I need my coffee. Then again, I do hang out with girls a lot, so I think I recognise this stuff better than the average guy.

I do however think that a girl all dolled up is a thing of beauty.

I can't really say many bad things about females of my species, I think they're great.

03 October, 2004 08:24

Blogger Ty pointed out that

Me Tarzan?

You Jane?

03 October, 2004 22:09


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