A perspective look at items I feel the need to react to and new ways I can exploit my readers


Beep beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

I actually have an idea for a blog that doesn't suck, but I've decided that I need to save some of my good material. Plus my last blog was pretty spiffy, so I figure that this one can be lacking in the non-crap department but you'll all read in anyway, fascinated by my views on life, the universe, and everything.
To begin... good work, team. While not all of you have blogs that are deeply insightful or fulfilling, they do tend to be entertaining, especially Dave's, but more importantly, they have kept me from doing school work, my ultimate goal through blogging. For that ten seconds or less I'm free, don't worry 'bout the rent... ahem, sorry, oh, and FYI, there is no freaking way you are going to be running less than ten seconds in an import street car. I mean some kinda monkey-navigated-laser-guided-rocket-powered-super-car may have what it takes, but if the 833hp hennessay venmon can't make the run in under 10.1, there's no way that Vin Diesel can do it, no matter how many veins he can bulge out using his muscles. But I've found a use for this internet, and it's not half bad, don't get too full of yourselves, though, I mean, you aren't any great literary artist. Now back to my imaginary point.
This topic of today's blog shall be the 'beep'. All though the history of technology, never has one sound, one mechanical concoction of noise had such an impact on society. But why? Our ears can pick up sounds between 20 and 20,000 Hz, on average, unless you're dumb like me and blew out your eardrums half a dozen times in which you'd be working at about half capacity and make the Shell nurse sream at you for a while about never being able to hear your baby's first words. But of all the sounds in the known universe, why have absolutely every alarm, notice, or alert represented aurally by what could possibly be the most annoying sound known?
Imagine yourself waking up in the morning to an orchestra cressendoing into your dreams, slowly lifting you from your unconsious state into reality, or everytime you hit the wrong button on the computer, a gentle hum would originate informing you as to your mistake. No, instead it is the insesent beep that tears you from your dreams or the sudden jolt of the sound, not only letting you know, but everyone else around you that you are in fact an idiot and can't make the computer work.
The sound mocks you at every turn, from cell phones, to pagers, microwaves and cash registers; the beep is everywhere. What could be more menacing than a heart monitor, rhythmically pointing out everytime your AV node decides to pulsate as it slowly ticks of the time you have left to live... Even sitting in a room can be a daunting task, the background noise consisting of the murmur of the crowd slowly overpowered by constant beeping, or hiking through a park only to have your companion's cell phone begin beeping. Augh... the beeping!
Well that was a crappy, crappy blog, but true. Even as I sit here and type this, all I can hear is the clicking of keys, but more noticeably, the beeping from the door alarms, printers, and computers galore. I guess I'm done. I think that was shorter... dumb but shorter. (Personal note: Spanky Christmas) don't worry, it'll make sense in time... So long... farewell... um evitasing? GOODNIGHT!


Anonymous Anonymous pointed out that

Mebby you can start a business with downloadable idiot sounds. Like ring tones. Charge a buck or two for the install program and one free beep replacement sound. There are a lot us us that would like to have a different Beeep.

26 October, 2004 09:24

Blogger Ty pointed out that

A comic did a skit on the beeping.

Beeping will ruin your life, and as a special "screw you" send off, when you die and your heart stops beating

you get


26 October, 2004 13:41

Anonymous Anonymous pointed out that

Carly, your blogs are so hilarious, funnier than lesley's.. hee hee.. (just kidding lesley) Where do you come up with this shite? I always wait in anticipation for your next entry. just remember, I'm counting on you to find the merits of cigarettes, or cure lung cancer.. luv "anonymous' aka troll I know this has nothing to do with beeeeeppppp, but whatever...

27 October, 2004 18:58


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