Well that shut me up
As I sat and with zombie like radiance and attention to the blank screen in front of me I realized that I'm not really angry about anything at the moment. To tell you the truth, I'm scared by the notion that I have nothing to complain about at the moment. I believe that the true traumatizing aspect of this is that I could actually be doing homework instead of nothing. Because of my set devotion to procrastination and because people harrass me if I don't give them an opinion through my blogs, I've decided to type, even if it's going to be about nothing.
There is a fine art to doing nothing, it is a flair and experience when executed properly. While I'm not particularily upset about anything, I can go on and on like I am while astounding you with my mastery over the English language and ability to manipulate my readers. Alright, now on with the point that I'm lacking...
Allow me to paint you a picture... (misty clouds enter the room and swirly colours appear). You wake up tommorow, not unlike any other day, but it just feels different, there's no realy way to explain it, but something has changed since yesterday. You head downstairs to find a massive breakfast prepared just for you. No one made it , but it's there. You turn on the radio as you sit down to eat and your favorite song comes on the radio, and there are no commercials. You are dumbfounded at your luck, but continue to scarf down the food in front of you. You grab the paper sitting on the table. The BWM dealership is having a sale for the next three years, with any trade in you get a new car, and if you have no trade in you just need to ask nicely. You turn the page, pretty sure that this is some kind of joke paper, half expecting someone to start laughing at you, but on the next page you find better news, everything is free so you no longer have to go to work/school, Bush decided to stop waging war and later today he's having a sleepover at the bin Laden residence, they will be watching Lilo and Stitch. World hunger no longer exists and all of the diseases plaguing humanity have been cured.
You stand up and look over your shoulder to check for cameras, as you are now fairly certain you are on the next Joe Shmo Show. Nothing. You step outside, people are driving past you house using common sense and everthing they learned in driver's training, and there is no snow but an incredibly lush green lawn. Since last night everything became perfect.
You decide to go to school to see what happened, or how everyone else is. The bus is on time, and that jerk bus driver who pulled away without you is dead, but his family is okay with it. You hit up the local coffee spot and meet up with friends and all sit there is quiet amazement. It doesn't just stop there, everyone is happy and it is sickening. No one's talking, erveryone is just bumping around with no real purpose in life. Everything is handed to them. People stop caring.
The population begins to skyrocket as things causing the balance in global population have been taken away, while you sit, bored with your new Murcielago, and without friends because you were to busy stuffing yourself to talk with them, plus you never know what to say and it's just ackward.
That's right, the perfect Utopia is miserable. Would it be fun for a while? Sure, but as every poor little rich kid knows, you can't buy happiness.
The kids across the street are just sitting there, holding hands in a circle, surrounded by a sense of self-worth and happiness. No one is excluded, even that fat kid with the pig-nose and freckles. You become shrouded in a cloud of misery, sickened by humanity and eventually snipe off people from a bell tower, bringing fear and hatred back into the world and creating the downfall of society through a viscious spiral of misery. You job is done, but you are also dead and the world has arrived back at square one.
My point? Complain, you can't change the world all at once but little by little, saving your own sanity and the sanity of others, making the world a better place, without, well, the above.
Well that wraps up today's show, Kiddies, so remember to wear your seat belt and look both ways before crossing the street. Tune in next time, same bat time, same bat channel...
Do we even have a bell tower?
I know for myself, I wouldn't want everything. I like pressure and deadlines and fighting. Small amounts naturally, but the reward is worth the shit. Getting drunk after 302 wouldn't have been half as fun if I hadn't had to fucking study my ass off for the damn thing.
Rewards are what keep me a happy puppy.
Ofcourse I for one have seen enough -39 weather to last a lifetime I think.
21 October, 2004 21:53
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