When did eating endtrails become entertainment?
The above statement is a proof to the stupidity and predictablility of people in general. I mean, really, I can't think of anything that would kill thousands, while leaving a remaining handful of people with minor cuts and scrapes, but holy potatoes batman, that kind of statement will get the rest of your crappy article read. This blog is devoted to the dumbness of titles, the universal attention deficit disorder that is plaguing society, and may even have a hint or two for you, the reader, to follow so that your blogs don't suck as much.First off, people are needy babies who need constant dynamic forms of entertainment. We live in an age where a thirty second commercial can be trying on our limited attention spans, a movie that lasts nearly three hours is only possible with a bathtub sized pop and enough popcorn to feed a third-world nation, and a man who kinda blew as president has a novel on the New York Times top ten best seller list all because he got it on with an intern. Yes, in these days the only way that you can get the attention of the masses is through violence, bikini carwashes, slow motion running along the beach, and backstabbing. Basically the times allow any scum-of-the-earth individual to gain popularity based on exposing and calling into view the lowpoints of society (eg paparazzi). I mean, a bunch of no-lifed geeks running around with cameras, taking pictures of fat actors and actresses not wearing make-up can make a killing, even though, in my opinion, they are lower forms of life then the washups they photograph.
Why must people be so stupid as to their culture and tastes? What happened to the good old days when ranting about how great life is being a pimp didn't make up a music video? Or when tv was scripted and required thought, rather than ape-like amazement at who is sleeping with who or what contestants have to eat this week. When did eating endtrails become entertainment?Your assignment, a la 'Fight Club', make a difference in culture! Listen to a cd that doesn't feature someone complaining or boasting about their rich lifestyle, watch a documentary, go to a lecture you aren't scheduled for and enjoy it, then go blow up a credit card company... no wait, not yet. Or at least promise that with the knowledge I have given you, you will go out and exploit stupid people attracted to catchy headlines.
Well that about shuts me up for now. Until next time this is Carly saying, "Stay classy, planet Earth."
I know this because Tyler knows this.
In the end, we all become what Tyler wants us to be.
And I used to be such a good person too.
Holy potatoes batman, I can't stop gigging over this phrase.
Well I can but I don't wanna. Jazz something up less than spectacular eh?
hmm, I'll ponder this further. You write with such great emotion/rantingness.
keep it up. I was gonna blog and gush about my special someone...but the blog just let me sign in! So this is my only comment for today.
I miss normal TV as well. Thats why I liked the WB, it was Angst wall to wall. No reality TV, or atleast very little (no TV station really escaped it).
04 October, 2004 23:27
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