Your computer is trying to kill you
Well I've decided that technology is out to get me. Actually, correction, technology is out to get everyone. That's right, as you sit and stare blankly into the computer screen in front of you, you become more and more drawn in, unable to unplug from this new reality and will soon start wearing black leather trenchcoats and sunglasses at night... no wait, I think that was from a movie, um, what was that last Herbie film called? Herbie goes to Montey Carlo? Yeah, I think that was it. I love Herbie, he's so wicked awesome.
Okay, well back to that point thing that I like to avoid. Think of way back when, well, think of what your parents have always been complaining about seeing as how we are the MTV generation and cannot even begin to understand life before TV. Alright, so you have people living like trolls in the hills with no running water, power, or more importantly MSN. That's right, way back when you would actually have to laugh out loud during a conversation to relay 'lol'. It was a lot of work. You had to mail letters, of course some Kevin Costner look-alike would ride across the plains gathering and distributing the mail, giving off a creepy devotion to a job in the times where no one would 'go-postal', and it would take weeks and weeks for anyone to get the message, like I have two weeks to live.
While this may not seem like the greatest way of life, the simplicity and sense of accomplishment at the end of everyday would be unbeatable. I mean lugging water from the river to the house pretty much made up a day. That's it. I mean, we have the Culligan Man now and that's his whole day but that would be everyone's day. No school, no real other work, just live. Huh, considering all of you spazoids are on my case if I don't blog as well as work and do school stuff and try not to blow up the house, I could totally deal will spending my day talking about my bum-knee and how it's gonna rain next Saturaday.
Who is to blame for all of this change? Technology. That's right. Lots of good has arisen from the advancement of technology, like microwaves, music, and videogames, I guess you could probably throw in pacemakers or something like that too, but let's focus on me. These things only exist to keep you occupied and oblivious to how much the same technology is screwing you over at the same time. I wouldn't have to take a stupid computer class at eight in the FREAKING MORNING to only spend about half an hour in the lab. I wouldn't be expected to type up any reports, forcing me to stare at a radiation-o-matic for hours on end. I could go outside and write in a notebook in the sunshine and all of the woodland creatures would come up and we'd all hold hands/paws and sing in glorious unison. No. Instead I'm stuck in some cold, dank and dark basement watching hours of my life tick away as I work on my fabulous flourescent green tan. If I keep 'saving time' because of technology, I'm going to have to have thrity hour days. Instead of having the same amount of work but being more efficient, we are taught to do twice as much work, with no time to sit around and sing with woodland friends.
So yeah, wow, it's long again. Sorry. I really tried to cut back. Reader's Digest Version: your computer wants to suck your lifeforce out of you, making you social inept and physically as weak as Bill Gates, wait... maybe he's behind all of this?... Probably, I'm sure he's still angry about being a geek. Have fun with that. Now I shall depart and play in the majesty of the LRT station. Instead of woodland creatures it's well, I guess there's that farmer that plays violin... maybe I'll go bug him until class... Happy trails... to you... until we meet again...
If Technology is the Disease, I don't want the cure!
19 October, 2004 20:47
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