A perspective look at items I feel the need to react to and new ways I can exploit my readers


Holy Crappy Blog, Batman!

Alright, so just as your favorite TV show, "The Secret Lives of Homing Pigeons" was cancelled over the summer, so was my last blog, and in the middle of a two part episode no less, basically because I decided that it was a stupid idea. I mean, if no one had commented, I may have even deleted it, hoping to leave no trace of its crappiness for years to come, as one day great civilizations of the future will look back at my blogs as a source of history, means to improve life, and as a great literary work. Well, I guess that every great work needs its minor blemishes. Cindy Crawford is more beautiful because of her slight imperfection of a mole over her lip, or the Element of the Honda family, so will be my last blog the cousin no one likes to talk about at family reunions. You know the one, he owns his own business selling used cars to blind people and keeps stealing money from family members to stay in business? He got the idea when using a drive through bank machine, and now he just collects porcelain cats. It was so crappy. You know that time the teacher asked you to write about what you wanted to be when you grew up or what you did over the summer, and how she really didn't read it, because let's face it, your eight year old life was boring. The most exciting tidbit was that you ate so much chocolate that you had diarrhea for three days. That out of the way, please ignore my last thrilling episode in my blogging adventures and continue on with my new tales of mystery and intrigue...
Hmm, so many ideas, but alas, I need coffee and I refuse to leave you again with a substandard blog, and coffee is downtown, and I'm not... oooh I just got paid by someone on Friday I think, that will buy many coffees. Alright, um (civsuv) again, a note about future blogging so I don't forget, nor will I be shamed to present you with such poo again.
Sorry kiddos, no bloggin' today, but perhaps later, although I think this oughta hold you until tomorrow. (Crossing arms a la 'I dream of Jeannie' and nodding) -poof-


Blogger Ty pointed out that

I tried drinking water instead of coffee.

So I drank water out of a coke bottle, I polished off like 5 of the things (it was a litre sized one), and I was always thirsty.

Apparently Im only NOT thirsty with three or four cups of coffee in me.

I understand that without coffee, thinking can not happen as it should.

Go with coffee.

02 November, 2004 22:45


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