I hate sex
Well I've found that I've lost my source of distraction while studying online as no one has really updated their blogs for a while. In all fairness, I couldn't judge you as I hadn't either. So I am, now, and now I can judge you. You are all horrible horrible people who aren't preventing me from doing my work. Shame on all of you. I'm wiggling my finger at you right now... but really, get on that, I don't want to do so much studying.
But back to the point, or in this case, lets focus on my blog's title. To begin, I'm sure that I quickly captured your attention. So what's the deal? Am I just being cranky? Do I not get It? Why Carly, WHY?!? Oh, the humanity... allow me to illustrate what I mean with an example that probably only holds minimal relevance to the subject but for some reason makes sense to me:
Little Billy is crying at the front of the room, make that screaming at the top of his lungs including many pitches audible only to canines and bats. You are also in this class and the teacher is keeping everyone from going out to recess because Billy is having a temper tantrum. Everyone around you is totally engulfed in his charade and desperate cry for attention, some kids are laughing, some are yelling at him, some are talking others about it, some are picking their noses, but all of them can't help but pay attention to Billy. You however, missing a thrilling game of sand-tag or your turn on the tire swing, just want to go outside and play. You may be sitting there, dumbfounded in the glow of the computer screen, whatever are you getting at Carly? Questions race through your mind. Why is Billy crying? Did the children ever go to recess? Does Carly have a thing for little boys? Are you coming on to me? The answers are because his Mom was into the hard stuff when carrying him and he just accidentally killed the classroom hampster, no they had to wait until the next day, no what the crap is wrong with you? and um... no? why are you turned on?
Okay, so what am I trying to say? Sex is everywhere. It is on tv, movies, music, literature, advertisements, ad noseum... The problem is that because it has been a 'taboo' subject for so many a century, people crave the 'unknown' and 'mysterious'. While it may not be mysterious to many of you, think of what your Grandfolks would say if they found out what you were doing, shame on you. But everyone has different ways of dealing with it. Any English class is just 'sex-ed' through cultural readings, basically all of the 'intellectuals' are too good to read/look at porn so they call it literature, which makes it alright. The same thing happens with movies, the 'art films' are nothing but ways to see things that should make you feel guilty for watching but doesn't because you are being 'cultured'. All psychology classes are the same. Everything... gah! Maybe if it hadn't been so taboo and frowned upon for years it wouldn't be as prevalent in the culture today, and maybe, just maybe, we would have real scripted television instead of uber-dumb reality shows. Don't even get me started on soap operas. Oh and along those lines, girls are no better then boys in this respect. Look at romance novels and soap operas...
Am I against the act or that it be committed? No, I just don't want to have to become an expert on it to pass a class because the 'intellectuals' deciding what my mark will be are so sexually repressed that they need to create socially acceptable outlets in order to look at a Playboy.
Oh, and as for Billy, he's gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Sex and the Modern Man: A view by Ty.
So ya. I really like Sex, like alot, like oodles and oodles.
I do like playboy, and I do read it for the articles as well.
I'm a biologically driven Male who in no way resents his species being,
That being said. I'm sorry for always talking about it. Its a fascinating subject for me. I know its not your bag, and you have a point, society is saturated with it.
I guess in conclusion Im sorry you have to see little billy as a crier, I just see him as billy. crying or not, he is still billy, and I love him just the way he is.
23 November, 2004 23:14
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