A perspective look at items I feel the need to react to and new ways I can exploit my readers


Coffee and Hickeys, a reflection on the semester...

Seeing as how no one has been blogging lately, I have taken the responsibility on myself to continue on with the loosely adapted and short term tradition, and hopefully convince you all to continue to complain online so we can focus on me at coffee time. Plus with exams an the whole Christmas break they (University/work) so generously give us, I figure we still need to keep in touch or you're all going to talk my ear off when the new semester starts, and frankly, I just can't pretend to care for that long.
This has been quite a semester. I've managed to fully escape the wrath of the 'Facey Corner' and even make some new 'non-high-school' friends, it's exciting, you should try it sometime, basically think of the friends you have now... but they don't know every embarrassing story about you, like that time you... (yada yada yada) and new fun is to be had.
I think that one of the big defining aspects of this year has been relationships. Some of us are dating Hoovers and attending choir practice, others complaining about ongoing relationships, some analyzing the fine dichotomy between a cheerleader and Mr. Logic, others teasing certain individuals as to their presents, some in realationships that others hate them for, or trying to break up couples, this semester has been filled with googly-eyes, footsie, and other lovey-duvey stuff. I guess I can't really roll my eyes and make throwing up sounds anymore, curses. Although if I have to hear one more story about Taboo Shows or other recent purchases, rest assured I'll boot you in the face, well, shoe you because I don't have boots on.
It was this year that I found out that it is possible for a physics student to switch into poly-sci, or a business student to find MecE. Tuition can be paid months later, provided enough yelling has taken place, and genetics students can use non-crappy 'can I get into your genes?' lines to pick up chicks. Good thing there is no coffee for a while as I'd probably get punched in the face for a lot of this.
This has also been a semester of loss, well at least for me and let's face it, I'm the only one who counts. I recently lost both the Wagovan and Iggie, totally seperate accidents, mind you. But on a serious note, there has been tough times for everyone. The Cavalier is no more, there have been health issues of family and soon to be family. Plus most depressing of all is my stupid weather controlling machine breaking down... someday... Conclusion of this paragraph... crap happens, complaining helps, all will be well. Ta da
As for the future? Unfortunately this year is the last here for a lot of people, maybe they're going away or taking time off, or even graduating and trying to be Tom Cruise in Top Gun. This being said, Spanky must run for President, I need a frat house (and Ferrari), and you all need to come to coffee... or else. I guess it's kinda like high school when you realize that one day you have to actually step into the real world and do stuff, not like a lot of people have real jobs and pretty much base their lives around reality TV schedules, but you may have to work someday. Crap, I'm going to miss my car pool, and considering I drove....
This was realy just to hold you until I have more time so enjoy, read, maybe reread, oh, and go to my website of the week page which I've been updating. That's about it...
Happy trails to you... until we meet again...


Blogger Ty pointed out that

I recognised myself in three points. I'm glad I was so inspirational to you this semester.

I just can't believe how strong you are. With biochem, that was amazing, you took shit and made shit ade.

I've never met someone who seemingly has it all together quite like you. Others may tease but I can see just how strong a person you are.

And shes not a hoover. :P

11 December, 2004 23:13

Blogger Pizza Princess pointed out that

K, seriously, i think finals stress has gotten to you all. I mean, I'm the one who's supposed to be all mooshy-gooshy. And yet, you're all being mooshy for me - crazy!! It's all so sweet and pukey-making. That may be the lack of sleep and sex talking, but who knows?? All I know is I miss coffee and cheese toast, and even all of you. But, I will see you on the 20th, and perhaps I'll even have found my sanity by then. By the way, if any of you see it around, pick it up, dust it a little, and hold on to it until I see you next. Sniff sniff.......seriously tho, what's up with the mooshy?
PS - Carly, I am not a cheerleader. If I were ever a cheerleader I would have had to kill myself.

12 December, 2004 22:55


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