A perspective look at items I feel the need to react to and new ways I can exploit my readers


I am so smart... S-M-R-T!

Alright, while I usually explain why the rest of the world is dumb in my ranting, I thought that today I would try something new and instead focus on why I'm a genius. This statement is limitless, for those of you not yet aware, my one goal in life is to be called 'unstoppable'. While I am content with this being used in any context (taking the scientific world by storm kind of unstoppable or on top of a bell tower unstoppable) I've always liked the idea of not being sniped off the top of something, so let's assume for the moment that I devote myself to the good kind of unstoppable...
While I have many an ingenious plan to torment friends or save insurance money, today I'm going to play teacher and try to explain evolution to those that aren't really interested using some ideas I came up with while riding on the bus (I think that I get some of my best ideas there due to lack of other things to do and trying to keep my mind off the accident report sticker still stuck on the front windshield of the Death-mobile)
Now in this blog I hope to explain the marvels of evolution for those who are less inclined to understand, well, science (hopefully you have some automotive background, though): oh, and by the way - this will be long, I'm not even going to pretend its not.
We replicate evolution in our everyday lives, and while it is believed that we are only able to simulate 'Lamarckian evolution' (you want to fly, you grow wings...) I think we also show Darwinian evolution (sometimes is screws you over more than when you started and you become extinct). My evidence for this is the automotive world.
A long long time ago in a place far far away (Ford motors corp in the 1900ish time) there was a car, or truck thing, the model T, in evolutionary terms we'll call it the first organism. It was boring, it had no stereo, tilt, cruise, or A/C. It had all of the basics like wheels and pedals and could do the same basic functions (think of those main things that makes vertebrates vertebrates, apparently gill slits, a tail, a mouth/bum, backbone...) but it wasn't really special. Since there was no competition, I think I can honestly say that it was the best selling car that year.
It starts to change, or evolve and grow into something less crappy... but lo and behold another car company would come into existence. Now we started to get things that could be suited for basic needs, like tractors (I know, they came first but just go along with this), trucks for hauling, fancy coaches... as they found their own niches they became more successful.
Then comes spreading, instead of them being only on one continent they move across the world, each type being best suited for a given environment (small cars in Europe/Asia while in the 'Americas' we all have fatty-mobiles).
In order to out compete others in the same classes (economy, midsize, and fullsize) they tended to change together and offer things that others didn't, (move from big block cars to more sleek and smooth). There are extinctions of poorly adapted cars (Aztek), while others pass on all of the good 'genes' as it evolves over time and takes over the category (Civic... yes, you are part of Civic Nation... bwa ha ha).
Pontiac shows one type of evolution, ie if one is good, five must be better (look at spoilers, lights, hood scoops...) while others try to become more and more gas efficient (Honda's new hybrid Civics and Accord).
We've also had 'retro' cars that don't necessarily become more complex in time but harken back to a simpler time when you could get a soda, movie about giant ants, and a dilly bar for 5 cents with enough change to ride the #22 Crosstown (300, SS, and loser cruiser) showing, like in evolution, that foreward isn't always better.
So if you are really into cars or evolution, you should be able to understand the other... voila. If you really don't care about either, just smile and nod, making me feel superior about my theory even though it really isn't that exciting.
Well that about does me for this week, or at least today... car show car show car show... it's like my Christmas, I can't sleep for nights before. Hope you are all having good days, oh and check out when you last blogged, if it was more than two weeks ago, please have someone kick you in the bum.
We must go forewards, not backwards, upwards, not forewards, and always spinning... spinning... spinning...


Blogger Carly pointed out that

Thanks Kath for that enlightening comment... did you actually read what I wrote? What are you trying to say? Oh, and Happy Groundhog Day! (The most important event on February 2nd!) Just kidding, I'm sure that some crazy country has it's own version of Christmas tomorrow... he he

01 February, 2005 19:32


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