Maybe if I fire a shotgun into the sky...?
You aren't special, well, sort of but not quite. While you may be viewed as 'helmet special' or should have your own Olympics kind of special, you probably aren't unique or different from the greater portion of the other six and a half human beings that occupy the planet.
Take blogs for example, in that little bar you can fill in above my title fill in the www. (insert random title here) Go ahead, fill in anything. I can guarentee that you could cut and paste one of your own entries into the blog that pops up and very few people would notice. Everyone creates this in order to establish their own little corner of the internet, to somehow make in personal and welcoming when really our own perspective of what it should be is so similar that the personal aspect dissapears entirely.
This is my same stand on anything creative such as writing, art work, or cooking for example. Take a few minutes to think of the most obscure meal that you can, such as sardines and peanut butter cake, ten to one someone has made it, ate it, and maybe even enjoyed it or got themselves a trip to El Stomacho Pumpo on more then one occasion. The truth of the matter is, it has all been done before.
In days of yore, really yore (think Ancient Greeks) they came up with all of these scientific ideas, then they were taken and changed over the years leading to fundamental truths of today. It still came from something. No matter how ingenious an idea may be, it stems from some idea of the past. The problem is that it's now required to be this way, society is forcing us to throw away any imagination or creativity and either refute or strengthen past arguements rather than develop something completely off the wall.
We study history to learn from it, read the Classics in order to base our works on the same guiding principles, or even be told what we like in television, fashion, and culture. As time progresses it becomes more and more impossible to have something 'new' and creative arise from someone's mind, but we need to dare to dream. Look at anything Leonardo DaVinci created, very little actually existed from which he could draw upon, instead he created what should be, not only what could be.
I think that there is a part to everyone's brain, um, let's call it the Carlego Center, yup, I'll have something named after me, that keeps you from realizing how small and insignificant you are with no real contributions to society. Think about where you are now, how many people are around you within two meters? Ten? One hundred? And not only that, think about time, you are going up against all of humanity, space, the universe. You are small. Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it's about time your Carlego Center got a swift kick in the patooty.
Why am I being so obscure and negetive? I'm not entirely sure. I mean if I really believed in all this I should lie down in a corner and wait for death, but apparently my Carlego Center is doing its job, so I'll just write in my blog under the false hopes of fame and delusions of grandeur. I wonder if they have a Pulitzer prize for blogging?...
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