A perspective look at items I feel the need to react to and new ways I can exploit my readers


Hm, so that was what I last ate

Ah yes, the coveted 'sick day'. The day you get to lay around the house and learn precious lessons that you just can't learn at school. While I am sure that by the end of this blog you will be thouroughly disgusted by what I have to say, I have absolutely nothing better to do than to reflect on my experiences over the past day and a half, so sit back... actually, does anyone read this thing anyway? No matter, it takes up time until I start holding down liquids.

Lesson One: the digestive system and you
It takes a while to digest anything. I mean I learned in Biology how the whole process works, that we begin to digest sugars once the food enters the mouth, that an acidic stomach fluid helps to break up the food for the bacteria in your ilium, jujenum, and duodenum to digest, but it must take a freaking long time. I eat something, hoping that it stays around long enough for me to absorb some of the nutritional benefits or at least of of the water content so that I don't become too dehydrated, but no... all gone. And this is hours later! I mean how long does it take the gastrointestrinal tract to take in food?! Gah, why can't you hurry up!?!?

Lesson Two: the media is your friend
Ah, what better way to waste a day then to sit around and watch the boob-tube. I cannot belive what kind of crap compose movies and television. There are some good, some bad, and a whole lotta ugly shows available for viewing today. Oh, and for those of you who are keeping track, of my five channels, we recently lost sound on one, so that puts us to four, count 'em, four channels. During this time of illness I've watched many movies (spiderman 2, dinner rush (this was good, you should watch it), matrix: reloaded, lilo and stitch, and yes, Josie and the pussycats). Now I know why I don't watch TV, although the MTV awards video on the matrix was pretty funny, and josie and the pussycats taught me how to love who I am, and not what I try to be, she's so smart.

Lesson Three: stupid Americans
This is on a more serious note, there is a woman who is 'brain-dead' in Florida, although she responds to stimuli and is basically at the level of severe mental handicap. She has been in this state for ten odd years, and now for the third (?) time her husband has removed her feeding tube, leaving her to starve to death. I know how sick I feel after not eating for a day, there are headaches, no energy, and a nausia that won't let me sleep at night, and according to her doctors it will take her two weeks to slowly die. What the crap is wrong with people?!?! Apparently the government is trying to pass a law making this illegal, and trying to save this woman. I cannot imagine this kind of death. What about if it happened in a prison? Or a mental institute? It would immediately be found to be wrong, but in this case it's fine? It's enough to make you sick.

Oh, I feel another adventure coming on, ah, and back to the TV. Hmm, maybe I can write a book about my experiences, but replace my likeness with that of a wizard in training, and have a series of bad things, or unfortunate events occur, oh, but then Bruce Willis (he's so hot right now) will come in and save the day and everyone goes to the prom, hey, then I can turn it into a made-for-TV-movie, people will watch anything...


Blogger Pizza Princess pointed out that

As we were talking about earlier, regardless of whether people want to argue whether or not she would want to live this way, removing her feeding tube and allowing her to die this way is cruel. It is no better than torture. I don't buy the fact that she will experience little pain from it. Kidney, liver, heart, and brain failure are not painless occurrances. People would be outraged if death penalty sentences were administered this way, yet this woman is not a serial killer. She is merely an unfortunate victim of an unfortunate event. And yet, she is being treated with less dignity and regard than a common criminal. Regardless of who is right, and who should be deciding whether this woman lives or dies, she is an innocent human being who deserves to be treated with dignity and humanity.

So no, there is no clear cut solution to this, and it likely won't be decided soon. In the mean time, her feeding tube should be reinserted, and the poor woman not tortured to death. If it is decided that she should be put to death, then it should be done by lethal injection, which acts quickly, rather than a slow and painful torture. But don't get me started on the whole "right to live/right to die" arguement.

23 March, 2005 23:26


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