A perspective look at items I feel the need to react to and new ways I can exploit my readers


What a crazy trip it's been...

Wow, I can't believe that I haven't posted on this in over a month, I guess that it kinda makes sense seeing as how I posted on one of my many other sites almost daily.

What to talk about? There are infinite numbers of subjects to complain about... where should I start? Hey, guess who just realized she has a one track mind, aside from cars and school, I have very little to complain about, and as for the election, aside from it being so last week, I still have another two sites dedicated to that.

Today I'm going to focus on my issues with 'redheads'. Ah yes, tis a long and harrowing struggle in my everyday finding some way to live terrorized by those with red hair, well I guess it's not that bad, but it has always been one of those funny things.

It all started in kindergarten with a swathy six year old nammed April, come to think of it, I kinda hate the name "April" now too. She was quite the butch and I was anything but. She had the tight bright orange curls, freckles, and that pug nose that would haunt me in my dreams at night. She never liked me, I don't know why, there was just something. There was the name calling, the occasional 'bump' as we passed each other in the cubbie hallway, and even the dispute over whose turn it was at the waterworks station, but she truly reared her ugly head over a media dispute that spring, it might have even been in April.

We all had milk cartons, and each month, some student was 'lucky' enough to get to put the newsletters in everyone's milkcarton mail box. Ah yes, it was a glorious day, everything was coming up little Carly, as I grabbed a stack with a knuckless fist and began distributing them into their respective low fat, skim, and 2% cartons. I probably even was singing up a made-up song to celebrate the incredible event. Then, like that grey cloud of enivitable doom descending on the teddy bear's picnic, she came. Accusing me of 'crumpling' her newsleter before putting it in her mailbox he raised a chubby arm into the air and punched me in the nose. I bled, and cried, she got into trouble.

Kelly was the next one, in grade 6. She was one of those psycho-horse people. You know the ones, long straight hair, reading the 'horse club books' only drawing horses, and playing playground games consisting of prancing all over the place like idiots. I lost a fist-full of hair to that one, after she came up with a plan to frame me as a banana snatcher who left bananas all over the place (I know, it doesn't make sense, she was pretty dumb).

There have been others, but it wasn't until a recent candidate meeting that it all came flooding back. It was Sam Power, I know, wicked awesome name, but the whole meeting she just sat there, staring into my soul. She knew my issues with her kind and the orangeness, I'm fairly certain that she secreted some kind of orange-hair hormone, because before I knew it, there was another, this one was yelling at me to speak up louder, she couldn't get her fat fingers to type in what tables I booked fast enough, well, maybe she didn't say all of that, but you get the idea.

For those of you out there going - "Hey, wait! I have red hair!" No, not quite. I mean you do, but a: it's not natural, and b: it isn't that orangy-red, you know the colour.

That's about it for me now, guess I should get back to that reseach I've been ignoring... I can't wait until this year is over. Sayonora!


Blogger Ty pointed out that

What exactly did Sam Power do?

19 March, 2005 15:24

Blogger Ty pointed out that

What exactly did Sam Power do?

19 March, 2005 15:25


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