A perspective look at items I feel the need to react to and new ways I can exploit my readers


Blame fruit snacks!

The purpose of this blog is two, no wait, make that three fold. Yes, I shall be dealing with thrice the number of issues I usually deal with, if you actually count any of what I deal with to comprise at least one issue.

First, thank you for commenting on my last blog. While I realize now that I should have posted it the night before, allowing it to simmer over gentle heat the entire duration of April Fool's day, it was my first attempt and I'm fairly impressed with the response. Oh, and for those of you who don't know or still just don't get it, I'm not going to Quebec, I can't stand Chemistry for the most part and as for the French... I can speak it, but I don't think I would survive.

Secondly, in honor of Jess's hair, or soon to be lack of, I wanted to have a get together at 'La Ronde' on Wednesday night as our fair Jessica will be hearing bad cue-ball jokes the next day. If you have not given her money already, do so. I know for me at least I couldn't do this and I'm doubting that many of you would as well. I give her a lot of credit for this. For those of you who wish to celebrate this momentous occasion, comment on the blog or email or phone me soon! Very soon! I need to make reservations right away and need to know how many to make it for. Gory details: Wednesday, the 13th, around 8:00 we should meet up at the restaurant, and before you become whiney because it's uber-expensive, we are only going for desert, drinks, and a chance to wear grad dresses again. If you need a ride, also let me know. Oh, and if you want to be all girly and get your hair and make-up done, we are tentatively meeting up at Kate's around 6:00ish? (although I should probably check with Kate). Let me know... now, you can read the rest of my rantings later, scroll down to the bottom of this entry and click on the comments button, you don't even need to be a member (if you aren't, do sign your name at the bottom).

And now onto my third point... the rant...

I'm sure that you've all heard how video games causes kids to become violent, or at the very least, desensitized to violence. Personally I grew up playing McKids, Alex Kidd [sic] in Miracle-World, Barbie, Tiny Toons, and Mario Paint. Through all of this, I can only say for certain that I wish violence towards Barbie. Did I turn out to be a 'desesitized individual'? Not really, it took years of school, dissections, and News broadcasts to do that to me. Spend Spring Break picking fat out of a cat and you will know what I mean.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if they are wrong, but many theories have arisen to explain the increase in violent tendancies seen in children. There's something not quite right about a six year old playing Doom, GTA, or Halo, but I don't believe that this is the problem that society faces today. No, deprive not these children of blood, guts and gore, but instead of the obsenities found in a package of fruit snacks.

Yes, that's right, it's not a typo, I blame fruit snacks for the downfall of society. Why? Well after being repeatedly exposed to the new 'Finding Nemo' Fruit Snacks commercial, with their fun shapes, colors, and now made with 50% real fruit juice, I went out an bought a box.

Eagerly I got to work, opened the first pack, ready to consume it's nemo-y goodness and what did I see looking back at me? Big eyed Nemo. His father traveled all over the ocean, almost got eaten by sharks, birds, and blown up and I'm about to pop his one and only son in my mouth? What is wrong with this picture? When I was growing up, fruit snacks bore no resemblance to what they were supposed to be. They were jelly goop that was diced a few times and oddly all resembled the elephant man, rather then the Racoons or Smurfs. The Nemo fruit snacks looked like Nemo, Marlin, Dori, and that little pink jelly fish. I can't eat them!

So when you grow up, (I know seems unlikely but it might happen), and have kids (a fate I wouldn't wish upon my worst red-headed enemy), give them all the games they want, but for the love of everything good and pure, please don't encourage them to eat sweet and innocent creatures that we've all come to know and love.

(For bonus marks, print this off and hand it in instead of that history essay you were supposed to write). What? You made it to the end? You had better have commented me already before you finished reading this post... or I kill you!


Blogger Ty pointed out that

Hey, I would have handed it in. We actually were talking about how video games disensitizes us to violence.

I'm not sure I agree to it, but no matter. Sadly none of my history topics involved fruit snacks, or any other articially created product that may or may not have contained real fruits previously.

I wonder if the NEWS has anything to do with the violence. Ask any kid if a video game is fake, and most of them will say yes "but they're so fucking rad" (or however these punk kids are commenting on how things are so wicked awesome). News, however, is REAL. The crazed killer who eat 17 people, REAL! I'm pretty damn sure he didn't play video games about eating people only to wake up one day and say to himself "HEY! thats a totally tubular idea, IM GONNA EAT PEOPLE! (and have sex with them, but mostly eat them)

I say we ban everything that could inspire us to violence, like Barney. ESPECALLY barney, that dinosaur is gonna EAT those kids.


that's it! Barney is the reason that man ate people, AND HAD SEX WITH THEM!

You grab the pitchforks, I'll grab the torches!

08 April, 2005 08:25

Blogger Ty pointed out that

Thats a good thing. Killing digital people is a RIGHT, and a RESPONSIBILITY.

Digital people are horrid and evil folk, walking around not-existing.
They DESERVE their death, and more than that, they deserve my contempt.

down with Digitals! They arn't even people!

09 April, 2005 19:35


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