A perspective look at items I feel the need to react to and new ways I can exploit my readers


... I know, not a big deal... sigh, Stupid Truck! Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous pointed out that

I heard about that. Man, people are just getting stupider. I mean, it's one thing to run a stop sign, Mr. Truck guy, but to run a stop sign with a CAR in front of you??! That's just plain cruel. *shakes head*


17 April, 2005 09:44

Blogger Ty pointed out that

I'm sorry your car got hit, I heard about it from Tamara.

maybe the truck driver will develop a hideous boil somewhere highly offensive?

17 April, 2005 22:24

Blogger Carly pointed out that

I'm not as upset as I thought I would be, mostly because I've decided that he can buy me a new bumper. My Dad even suggested... "get an estimate, and hey, maybe if you're willing to chip in a few extra bucks you can get one of them fancy bumpers". Hmm, fancy indeed...

18 April, 2005 08:50


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