A perspective look at items I feel the need to react to and new ways I can exploit my readers


It's like the first time you ever used a computer, everytime!

Whaugh. First off, just to vent, I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. I'm not entirely sure if it's because I do in fact have twenty things to do in the next three days, or more so because I hate perspective drawing. It's boring, predictable, and deals with math. More so, working with perspective makes me angry, and then I feel angry about a seemingly poor reason to feel angry, and thus the cycle continues until I'm this little ball of upsetness fueled entirely by rage and caffeine and don't actually get any of the million things I have to do done because I'm angry, and then I get more upset because I have so much to do. It's like the krebs cycle, (this is biochemistry speak for cycles that keep being fueled and producing products which turns the cycle faster and makes more products and needs more fuel). Seeing as how it does generate life it must continue, and I'm still angry. Yup. Go figure, me, upset about something. Gah.

Maybe this is going to be my little space to vent some of the wackiness of the cycle until it goes away. Oh, and I think that ignoring my email will help too. yes, I have to do that for a while I think. Maybe until I stop getting emails.

But on with my main complaint today:

You've heard of the cola wars, I'm sure. It's basically the same product that are seemingly different, enough to be annoying and spawn those taste test booths in the mall, but not really enough to make you care, aside from getting a free drink. Well my problem today follows along the same lines.

I've always been a science student, and quite happy as one. I'm told what to believe and the way that things are and simply accept it. Alright, so breathing air is generating free radicals that could kill me, I may not be alright with this, but I have to accept it and continue to breathe. Now, suddenly realizing that I was greatly lacking in the whole 'arts credit' type courses, I've dove into the wide world of exploring concepts that are not tied to facts, but opinions, feelings, and whatever a big spot of paint on a white canvas is supposed to symbolize. It makes very little sense, the good news is it's hard to be wrong, but harder to know when you're right.

Through my unknowingly deceptive ignorance to this 'East' side of campus, I've gone the past four years with the good computers, the nice hallways, the big and thick 'get what you paid for in weight alone' textbooks, and the overall lack of hopeless students. It was great. There was always an IBM with the proper keyboard, all of my music videos at my command, and an email that worked. But I've crossed the fine line that I figure falls somewhere around the Powerplant.

Yup, here they use things like 'Macs' with their blinding whiteness, and instead of labs every five feet, there may be a modest one every five buildings. There are students in the halls, get this, reading for no particular reason aside from enlightenment alone, and without calculators. The buildings are old and run down and there are these 'stairwell' things I'm still struggling to get a handle on.

The most disturbing of all of these facts are the computers. Not only do the keyboards feel funny, but trying to navigate the system is near impossible and guess what?!? Nothing transfers! Woot. They have programs like 'toast 6 titanium' and Fugu in addition to a crapload of i... programs. What do these things mean? Where is word? No, instead after a navigation adventure you can come up with something called TextEdit. What the crap is that? And then there's the whole annoying scroll bar that some how senses your presence and changes sizes and scrolls through what I can only attribute to mind control. The screen works the same way, instead of buttons you kind of move your hand near it and sometimes stuff happens. Argh! Yes, I do realize that it's a better system, or at least claims to be, but I like things stupid and inferior with my 'Hey, Captn' Helmet, click here to type' rather then navigating though something called Zinio.

There's also no cntrl key, well there is, but it does something entirely different and instead you have to use the squiggley apple key for the normal kinds of stuff and the others are simply in the same spot to... you guessed it, make me look like I just figured out that nifty trick called fire as random windows open and close and Practica Music goes on about how it's so great.

In short, I look like an idiot everytime I transfer systems because I can't even figure out how to turn on the stupid thing or -gasp- open the cd drive (FYI it's a button on the keyboard). In conclusion... you are so cut. That is all.


Blogger Ty pointed out that

Eww, Macs? Distasteful. Some of the computer labs in Bio Sci are Macs, and they are usually vacant.
When is MAc gonna wake up and realize that mice need more than ONE BUTTON.

Don't feel bad about not understanding Arts people, they apparently are more in touch with their "feelings" or "centre" or something like that.

I think they use words like "feelings" like we would use "broke" and "penniless", I'm not sure though.

29 September, 2005 10:09

Blogger Ty pointed out that

You never update...its like you don't love us anymore.

Are you honestly going to tell me your busy Arts Schedule is keeping you from posting?

07 October, 2005 06:56

Blogger Carly pointed out that

Cram it. It's the art/anatomy that's keeping me busy. After my two midterms next week, I think I'll lose a lot of the 'I should be studying guilt'. Then I will post, and it will be good.

07 October, 2005 09:28

Blogger Pizza Princess pointed out that

I have procured one wishbone from a thanksgiving turkey.

09 October, 2005 20:52


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