I am a jerkface
Hey, guess what I just realized, I’m a total jerk when it comes to exam week, and my finger hurts.
Alright, first things first, I’m sorry if I did anything mean to you in the last two weeks. It’s been the middle of exams, I have no idea the time or day that it is, and normally I’m fairly grumpy to begin with, let alone when I’m stressed out with finals. I suppose that this could be seen as being my own fault as I pretty much start studying the day before the exam (thank you procrastination), but overall I tend to become slightly more stressed out with less time to actually prepare and study for exams in classes I would rarely attend.
Now onto my finger problem, amidst the rushed working on my design portfolio, I kinda stuck an Xacto knife in my fingernail. Worried it would get caught on something and rip off, I sanded the whole nail down and now it’s really thin and ouchy when I use it to support or touch anything, including this keyboard. Again, this lead to increased grumpiness and overall stress.
The combination of these many factors leads to my chronic problem of mysterious pantslessness. Go figure, spell check isn’t recognizing that one. Anyway, in combination of little sleep, lots of stress, and a lack of any desire to follow though with anything pertaining to personal hygiene, I will often wake up wearing a shirt and underwear in strand places, like the laundry room or foyer. I’m not sure why, maybe my brain thinks the whole set up is a good idea, but this happens, a surprising amount. Reason number 53 why I’m single and can never have a roommate.
But life is all changed now and I’ve come to the realization that I have been a jerkface. Feel free to call me and complain about how dumb I am. I will be accepting criticism until May third at approximately 2 pm. After that time I will demean you with witty comebacks and smart remarks regarding how much more awesome I am. Until then, I will sit politely and accept yelling.
Call me, leave a message so that I can ignore you for at least two days, then we can go for coffee, I’ll buy.